Turbidity Control
Keeping the Environment Clean
Controlling Turbidity
Maintaining proper turbidity control is a great concern to most dredging projects. We have been very successful in leading edge techniques to keep turbidity at a minimum.

Methods for Controlling Turbidity
Southern Dredging & Marine uses a combination of new and old methods to keep turbidity levels under control. Using our suction cutterhead dredges we can pump the discharge directly into Geotextile tubes which reduces any chance of turbidity greatly.

Turbidity Curtains
Turbidity Curtains have been used for years to help surround the dredging area, whether hydraulic dredging or mechanical dredging, to help contain the contamination caused from moving the soil under water. Curtains are all custom ordered and the size is determined by a number of factors including depth of dredging, currents, wave action, amount of silt and other considerations. Call us to learn more about turbidity curtains and to help determine your needs. We do provide consultation services, so we would be happy to visit your proposed work site and give our recommendations for turbidity control.

Ordering Curtains
Turbidity Curtains can be ordered in a multitude of thinkness, widths and depths. They can be open or anchored at the bottom, depending on your requirements. Each custom order requires lead time and shipping to get to your location, so they are usually ordered as soon as possible.

Geotextile Tubes & Bags
Geotextile Tubes and Bags are very versatile for marine construction. We like to pump the dredge spoils directly into geotextile tubes while we are dredging. This eliminates all posssiblity for turbidity issues and is very clean. Once the tubes dewater in a few days, they can be cut open and the remaining sand or spoils can be used to renew beaches or create new land.
Versatile Geotubes
Geotextile tubes can be used to capture dredge spoils. But they can then be used as breakwaters or shoreline protection. They can be armored with cement. They are stackable and many times less expensive than turbidity curtains.

Contact us about your upcoming project to learn how we might be able to assist you.
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About us
Marine Dredging & Construction, Breakwaters, Beach Restoration, Geo Textiles Tubes
Contact us
Southern Dredging & Marine
3455 Peachtree Rd NE, Suite 500
Atlanta, GA 30326-3236
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