Breakwater Construction
Our Breakwater Construction Services are offered throughout Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas, Alabama, Louisiana, all of The Bahamas including Nassau and Exhumas, as well as all of the Caribbean Region. Contact us to discuss your project.
Shoreline & Harbor Breakwaters

Breakwater Construction
Breakwaters are structures built along coasts to protect beaches, dunes, harbors and bluffs from oncoming waves. Because of the high cost of building offshore breakwaters, most breakwaters are constructed to protect the integrity of the coast as well as form navigational assists. Our services for Southern Dredging & Marine are offered throughout Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia, Carolinas, Bahamas & Caribbean. Call us at 770-831-8111 or Email us for more information.
Offshore breakwaters slow the wave action and protect against coastal erosion, and are either away from the coast or at one end. Breakwaters can include small structures in shallow water, and can be fixed or floating. The main purpose of a breakwater is to absorb the energy of the smashing waves. They can be large pieces of concrete or rock placed keep the waters of the port calm.
Because breakwaters stop wave action and stop the flow of sand along the coast, fixed breakwaters can prevent needed sand from reaching downstream beaches. Floating breakwaters do not effect sand movement and are not as effective with stopping wave action. Southern Dredging & Marine offers Breakwater construction in Florida, Georgia, Carolinas, the Bahamas and Caribbean.

Rubble Mound

Rubble mound breakwaters are usually a pile of rubble fitted together loosely, thus creating empty spaces that help to alleviate the force of the wave. By using concrete Armour or rock outside of the structure, the force is absorbed on the outside, and to further dissipate the force of the way, sands are help stop the wave energy from going through the breakwater core. Building a shallow water breakwater is less costly than deeper water, as the deeper water requires more rubble.
Rubble mound breakwaters is important to protecting the coast and crucial to the design of any port. Rocks will vary in size and the method of dumping the rocks will vary depending on the needs of the particular project.The various methods of building a rubble mound breakwater include building on land using a dump truck, from the sea by barges or from the sea with fall pipes by barges.

RipRap is heavy stone armour on a coast or shore used to protect against wave action and scour. Riprap is dependent on the soil is place on, which needs to be stable and sloping. RipRap consists of a layer of armour layer of rough, angular rock or stone, an underlying filter layer to keep the rock from settling and allowing groundwater drainage, and the toe protection.
Rubble mound breakwaters is important to protecting the coast and crucial to the design of any port. Rocks will vary in size and the method of dumping the rocks will vary depending on the needs of the particular project.The various methods of building a rubble mound breakwater include building on land using a dump truck, from the sea by barges or from the sea with fall pipes by barges.
Geotextile Tubes

Southern Dredging & Marine Geotubes and Bags are UV resistant sand colored geotextile containers filled either hydraulically or mechanically with sand and used instead of stone, concrete or other hardened systems for protecting the coastline. They are especially important where there is minimal local stone or where stone or concrete structures would spoil from the beauty of the area.
Our GeoTextile Tubes are considered “soft” armored structures and are generally easier to secure permits than hard armored structures such as various concrete structures or riprap..
Southern Dredging & Marine Geotextile Tubes are used in the design of various shoreline coastal engineering structures such as breakwaters, dykes, dune cores, revetments, reefs, groynes.
Other Breakwaters
Southern Dreding & Marine offers various types of breakwaters including Caisson Breakwater which has vertical sides to berth vessels on the inner face of the breakwater. We also offer Armor Blocks which can be Tetrapods, X-blocks or Accropode.

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Marine Dredging & Construction, Breakwaters, Beach Restoration, Geo Textiles Tubes
Contact us
Southern Dredging & Marine
3455 Peachtree Rd NE, Suite 500
Atlanta, GA 30326-3236
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