Articulating Concrete Block Mattresses
Our Dredging Services are offered throughout Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas, Alabama, Louisiana, all of The Bahamas including Nassau and Exhumas, as well as all of the Caribbean Region.
Concrete Fabric Forms
Our dredging services and concrete mattresses are provided throughout Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas, Alabama and Louisiana, as well as the Bahamas and Exumas, and the Caribbean Islands including Dominican Republic, Cayman Islands, Trinidad & Tobago, St. Lucia, Barbados, Antigua, Anguilla, Aruba, Martinique, Grenada and Guadeloupe. Call us for more information at 770-831-8111 or email us about your next project up for bid.

Articulating Mattresses
Articulating Block Mats are GeoTextile Fabric forms that have been reinforced with cable and connect together continuously to meet the size and dimensions needed on a particular project. The mattresses are then filled with concrete that then become an armored concrete block mattress. The result is an armored protection against erosive forces, wave action, erosion, wind waves and more.
Shoreline Protection
These cable-reinforced concrete mattresses can be used where exposed to frontal abuse by wave action. Concrete Mattresses can be employed to protect breakwaters, GeoTextile tubes, shorelines, embankments, canals, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, underwater pipelines, bridge piers, groins and jetties from possible damaging wind or wave action, propeller wash, ship wakes, currents, hurricane action or other events. Other uses worldwide have been in construction of landfills and collector channels.
Environmentally Friendly Methods
Articulating Blocks created from GeoTextile Concrete Mattresses have been around for a while, but have seen a recent jump in popularity because of their proven effectiveness as armored protection, especially concerning marine environments, as well as the cost effectiveness. They have proven to be very effective in use when protection from extreme weather or wave action caused by storms or hurricanes.
Growing Popularity
As for costs with this newer method of protection, especially when used as an armored protection of a GeoTextile Breakwater, it is understandable why their popularity is exploding.

A breakwater created by filling GeoTextile tubes with dredged spoils and then armoring the breakwater or groin with the concrete blocks can cut the cost in half from the traditional older method of rip rap or rubble mound.
Fractional Costs
Not only are the costs a fraction of the older methods, but the time to complete a breakwater or groin by employing GeoTextile tubes covered with concrete mattresses is minimal compared to creating the same project with rubble mound. The protection and longevity of either method is comparable, but the difference in cost is driving the industry to the use of the cable-reinforced concrete mats. Our mattresses outlive other methods.
How Are They Created?
The GeoTextile Articulating Block fabric form is made up of many linked pockets connected by an interwoven perimeter connected with grout ducts. High capacity reinforced cables are inserted between and through the pockets and grout ducts. Concrete is then pumped into the pockets forming rectangular concrete blocks. The interwoven perimeters become hinges to allow articulation. The reinforced-cables stays in the concrete blocks to tie the blocks together and allow articulation.
Dredging Ports, Harbors & Marinas
These mattresses can then be used for a multitude of purposes to protect against wind and wave action as well as erosion. They are cost effective and environmentally friendly. They are also quickly becoming the preferred method of armored protection. Call Southern Dredging & Marine to learn more how our concrete articulating mattresses can protect your environment and save you money.
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Marine Dredging & Construction, Breakwaters, Beach Restoration, Geo Textiles Tubes
Contact us
Southern Dredging & Marine
3455 Peachtree Rd NE, Suite 500
Atlanta, GA 30326-3236
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