Beach Restoration
Dredging services for the Southeastern USA, The Bahamas and the Caribbean Region.
Beach Restoration – Beach Renourishment
Southern Dredging & Marine can dredge your coastal shoreline, marina or harbor and reuse the dredged sand and spoils to renew beaches or create new land.

Coastal Area Restoration
Beach restoration and renewal usually involves marine dredging services using hydraulic or mechanical dredges. Land contracting services are also required to move the new materials around and to level areas to create a pleasant appearance.

Beach Renourishment
Southern Dredging & Marine offers shoreline land reclamation and beach renourishment in the Southeastern USA, Bahamas and the Caribbean Islands. We use hydraulic or mechanical dredges equipped with GPS Dredging Software and bring the necessary supporting equipment. Contact us to learn more about how we can create new land or renourish your sandy beach. Land reclamation is also good for the enviroment and helps restore a good marine ecosystem.

Beach Sanding
Beaches and coastal areas can lose sand over time due to severe erosion and loss of sand due to storms and weather. We can dredge the area and either pump the sand from the dredge discharge directly to your beach, or pump into geotubes to be dewatered and distributed to your desired location. Call 770-831-8111 about your project.
Dredging sand offshore and pumping onto the beach is a great use of dredging to restore or create new beaches. Spoils can also be pumped into geotextile tubes and left to dewater. After dewatering, the sand can be used to create new land or beach restoration. This method of dredging into geotubes is environmentally clean and creates no turbidity.
Land Reclamation
Southern Dredging & Marine can create brand new land mass adding to your beaches and coastal area, or capturing the sand and soil into geotextile tubes and redistributing inland to create new land mass.
Beach reclamation can benefit nearby properties from further storm damage while at the same time increasing the size of the beaches or creating sand bars to add future protection. Sand barriers help protect land from weather and wave action caused by storms and erosion.

Restoring Beaches
Beach restoration and renourishment can be accomplished by applying sand directly from the dredge discharge or from filling geotextile tubes directly from the dredge discharge The geotubes are then left to dewater, cut open and the sand dispersed.
The sand to be used is dredged by a hydraulic dredge and picks up small amounts of silt, shell and mud along with the sand. The mix will dewater over a few days and depending on the content of the mixture, can look as good as any sandy area nearby.

Earth Moving Equipment

Relocating Sand

GeoTextile Tubes & Bags
Contact us about your upcoming project to learn how we might be able to assist you.
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About us
Marine Dredging & Construction, Breakwaters, Beach Restoration, Geo Textiles Tubes
Contact us
Southern Dredging & Marine
3455 Peachtree Rd NE, Suite 500
Atlanta, GA 30326-3236
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