Pond Dredging Maintenance
Removing Pond Silt and Sediment Buildup
Our pond dredging services are provided throughout Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas, Alabama and Louisiana. Call us for more information at 770-831-8111 or email us about your next project up for bid. Cities in Florida include Palm Coast, Jacksonville, Ormond Beach, Titusville, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Port St. Lucie, Orlando, Naples, Bradenton, Panama City, Destin and more. We are ready to help you overcome your sediment issues.

Residential Pond Sediment Removal
Southern Dredging & Marine serves the Southeast USA for pond dredging maintenance and sediment removal in lined and unlined pond applications.
We serve homeowners, residential associations, retention ponds, irrigation ponds to remove the natural buildup of silt, sand and sediment.
Our specialized equipment can deal with hard to reach locations, heavily landscaped areas or other access issues. We can pump the spoils into geotextile tubes to keep the environment clean or to capture the spoils for later use. We offer both hydraulic and mechanical forms of dredging.
Residential & Commercial Pond Sediment Removal
Southern Dredging & Marine serves the Southeast US for pond maintenance and sediment removal and specialize for eithers lined and unlined pond applications.
We serve residential associations, retention, ponds, golf course, irrigation ponds and privately owned ponds.
Our specialized equipment deal with hard to reach locations, heavily landscaped areas or other access issues. We can pump the spoils into geotextile tubes to keep the environment clean or to capture the spoils for later use. We offer both Hydraulic and Mechanical forms of dredging.

Beach Refurbishment and Restoration
Dredging sand can provide the perfect material for creating new beaches or rejuvinating existing beaches for just the cost of dredging versus having materials shipped to a location. Many times the spoils are pristine material that just needs to be relocated from a sandbar that is blocking a marina or an area that needs to be deepened to allow boat and ship entry. A growing method used to collect these spoils, especially for clients wanting to reuse the spoils is by use of GeoTextile Tubes. With this method, Southern Dredging & Marine would pumped the discharged materials from dredging directly into GeoTextile Tubes or Bags. After a short period of dewatering and evaporation, the materials can then be trucked to the location needing new sand.
Creation of New Land

About Capital Dredging
Capital dredging is used for new or improved structures such as a harbour basin, or to gain a deeper navigation channel, create a lake, or new reclaimed land for industrial or residential purposes such as a beach. Capital Dredging includes relocating of large quantities of sediment or soil, non-repetitive dredging activity, soil that is compact, undisturbed soil layers, usually fairly free of contaminated materials and signs of significant layer thickness.
Maintenance Dredging
Maintenance dredging means the repetitive task of removing of silt, sediment and rock from existing channel in order to maintain the design depth of navigation channels and ports. Maintenance of navigation depths is often necessary in ports. The main characteristics of maintenance dredging projects are that quantities of material will vary, ground is soft and not compacted, content could have contaminants, made up of thin layers of material, usually found in navigation channels and harbours, dredging needs to be repeated.
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About us
Marine Dredging & Construction, Breakwaters, Beach Restoration, Geo Textiles Tubes
Contact us
Southern Dredging & Marine
3455 Peachtree Rd NE, Suite 500
Atlanta, GA 30326-3236
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